Worship, and the distribution of God's gifts are the primary reasons for our existence. We also enjoy many other group involvement, service, fellowship, and study opportunities and activities together.
Worship Times
Wednesday evening with Holy Communion (6:00)
Sunday morning with Holy Communion (8:30 and 11:00)
Combined Service with Holy Communion 930 AM only - Every fifth Sunday of the month
Additional services during Advent, Lent and Holy Week
Sunday School with a variety of classes for all ages (9:45am, Sundays)
Friday morning Women's Bible Study (10:00am - noon)
Saturday morning Men's Bible Study (9:00am - 10:00am)
Catechism, Confirmation,and New Member Studies
Monthly "Second Sunday Lunch Bunch" at a local restaurant
Monthly "Second Wednesday Breakfast" at a local restaurant
Monthly "Fourth Tuesday Lunch Bunch" at a local restaurant
Wednesday Evening Soup Suppers during Lent
Four to six fellowship potluck dinners
Group Involvement and Service Within Our Congregation
Prayer Chain
Altar Guild
Lutheran Womens Missionary League (LWML)
Choir, music
Quilting (Quilts go to World Relief efforts)
Building & grounds upkeep/maintenance, mowing & landscaping
Audio & Video (shut-in ministry, podcasts, web media)
Volunteer Office Assistant
Website design and maintenance
Committee service (teaching, fellowship, stewardship, evangelism, youth, church council)